Palm Reading

Palmistry: Revealing The Future And The Past in Your Hands

The lines of your palm are like a roadmap to your thoughts, emotions and your physical vitality in life. But they also indicate the life experiences you been through, and what could be in store for the future. Palm reading, also known as Chiromancy, is a fundamental technique in Chinese fortunetelling and has been practiced for thousands of years.

According to Master Hanz Cua, expert in Palm Reading and Feng Shui, reading someone’s hand was a common technique of fortunetelling because it was quick and reliable. “You don’t need to know someone’s birthday or their personal history. You simply look at the person’s hands and you can a read a lot of information about them from the lines alone. Every person’s hand is unique because it showcases your personality, your state of health, as well as the past and your possible future.”

In palmistry, it is traditionally believed that for a woman, the right hand reveals what you are born with; the left shows what you have been through and what you have achieved. For men it is reversed, therefore the left hand of a male is the experiences he has gathered, the right shows what he was born with.

The three main lines that palm readers study with great care are:

The Life line or the line of destiny. Normally starts between the thumb and the index finger and curves downward toward the base of the palm. It is not the length of the line that is significant, but how strong or deep the line is. A weak or wavy line can indicate problems of the health or adversities in life.

The Heart line is all about matters concerning love. This is the line right above the Life line and extends across the middle of your palm. The length of the heart line is indicative of how long or strong your affection is when you are in love. It won’t necessarily say how many relationships you will have, however.

The head line shows your intellect or wisdom. It usually starts from the outer edge of the palm right above the Heart line, and runs in towards the index or middle finger. The head line is indicative of the level of intelligence and how this affects your personality. A strong, deep line shows high intellect while a wavy or weak lines indicates shallowness or tendency to let the heart rule over the head.

A thorough palm reading and analysis done by an expert who is skilled in interpreting the nuances of the many lines and formations in a person’s hand can give you amazing insights into yourself, or your problems in life, and what steps you can take in the future.

Master Hanz Cua is an expert in Feng Shui, Palm Reading (Chiromancy), Tarot Card Reading, Space Clearing and Cleansing, Prosperity Ritual Rituals, Bazi or Chinese Astrology and Zi Wei Dou Shu (Emperor Purple Star Astrology).


What the Head Line Reveals About Your Thoughts, Inspirations and Personality

The Head Line on your Palm is the line that starts below your pinky or small finger ans normally extends to the direction of your index finger.


  • Deep, thin head line – your mind is sharp, you have the ability to focus and solve complicated problems.
  • Wavy line – you have a short attention span; you get bored easily and find it hard to focus on tasks or subjects that require concentration.
  • A very long head line – indicates a certain level of deviousness. You have the ability to deceive other people; it can mean a tendency for criminal behavior.
  • Wisdom Line overlaps with the Life Line. You are shy and reserved, easy to become suspicious of others, and obsessive with details. You are prone to tension and anxiety. Your sleep tends to be light and easily disturbed.
  • The head line is separated from your life line – you are adventurous and energetic. You don’t like people who are “stick-in-the-mud”. You are a progressive thinker and like being the one in your group who is always trying out or exploring new things and experiences.
  • Long, straight lineending below the index finger – shows a rational thinker who favors common sense and organization. You are a realist and don’t have much patience for trivial pursuits or people who engage in personal drama.
  • Short, straight line– You tend to be very physical and not very interested in intellectual pursuits. You are a person of few words and prefer to express yourself through action.
  • Long, curved linethat arcs up to the base of the middle finger – you are opinionated and a go-getter and have no problem expressing your thoughts and views to other people.
  • Short, curved line– you are a private person. You’re not very comfortable socializing and usually keep only a small group of well selected friends.
  • Line that splits in two– you are very generous, you tend to put other people’s needs ahead of your own.
  • Broken line– breaks in the line means that major life choices have been influenced by a traumatic event or circumstance.
  • Chain-like creases at the beginning of the head line – educational achievement has been troubled or is deficient due to poor financial background or bad home environment.


If you desire a complete analysis of the lines on your palm and how they predict your possible future you can seek the services of a trusted and highly skilled Palmist or Chiromancer like Master Hanz Cua. Master Cua is an expert in Feng Shui, Palm Reading (Chiromancy), Tarot Card Reading, Space Clearing and Cleansing, Prosperity Ritual Rituals, Bazi or Chinese Astrology and Zi Wei Dou Shu (Emperor Purple Star Astrology).


What the Heart Line Reveals About Your Emotions, Level of Commitment and Sex Life

The Heart Line is the line that starts below your pinky or small finger and normally extends to the direction of your index finger or may dip toward the base of the palm.


    • Heart line starts under the index finger – indicates a fairly stable and strong relationship. You are loving but logical and balanced.
    • Line starts between the first finger and middle finger – indicates strong emotionality, you fall easily in love.
    • A short heart line – you are not overly invested in romantic matters. You are more focused on things like career, education or family.
    • Straight and long – you have a strong understanding of “agape” or love that is universal and altruistic. You are the kind of person who enjoys working for charities and social causes.
    • Heart line touches the life line – you get easily hurt in love and allow your emotional state to affect other aspects of your life, like your work or studies.
    • Circle on your heart line – you have experienced depression or a major heartbreak.
    • Curved Line – you are very romantic, giving a lot but also demand a lot in return. In extreme cases you become obsessive about love and your emotions overrule logic.
    • Long, curvy heart line – you are affectionate but relaxed. You can easily express your emotions but you are not demanding. You are not easily prone to jealousy or suspicion.
    • Straight Heart Line – you tend to be submissive and always try to please your loved one.
    • Heart line is parallel to your life line – it means you are sensible when it comes to matters of the heart. You don’t harbor unrealistic expectations about your relationship.
    • Steep Curve that ends between the middle and index finger – are very sexy and passionate. The physical aspect of romance your partner’s performance in the bedroom is a big factor in whether or not you will want to stay in that relationship.
    • Heart line ends under the index finger – you are quite fussy about choosing a partner. You have high standards and take time finding a relationship.
    • Line ends under the middle finger – Very demanding. You insist on constant love and attention from a partner.
    • Straight and short – you to prefer the sexual over the romantic aspect of love. You are not interested in an emotional relationship and you move on quickly.
    • Wavy heart line – your relationships tend to be superficial. You can be fickle about what you want and your relationships usually don’t last long.


What the Life Line Reveals About Your Character, Career, Ambitions and Health


The Life Line is the line that begins close to the thumb, below your index finger and will usually curve in an arc down towards the base of the palm. It is often located below the Heart Line, but sometimes the the Heart and Life line are joined together and form a “Y”.



  • Short line – contrary to popular belief, a short line does not indicate a short life. It means you are one who takes a practical and steady path in life, can think fast and make solid decisions about what you want. You are also capable of overcoming tough physical challenges.
  • Long, straight lineextending across the palm – indicates a stable personality. You don’t make hasty decisions and like to think things over carefully before taking action. A deeply marked line shows good health and vitality and plenty of physical energy.
  • Shallow line means you have difficulty making decisions for yourself. You are more of a follower and not a leader.
  • Line that splits in two – You are someone who is broadminded and able to contemplate opposing viewpoints. May also indicate change of direction in your life and career or travel to far places.
  • Long, curved lineextending to the bottom corner of the palm – You are unique and quick-witted. You often make unconventional decisions and follow the beat of your own drum.
  • Branched lines-upward lines show capability to succeed in life while downward lines show weakness, or poor emotional/ physical health.
  • Line swoops in a semi-circle, you are strong but affectionate. You take time before you reveal your emotions, but when you do you give it all out.
  • Life line is very close to the thumb – sign of poor physical constitution. You get tired easily and don’t have much stamina..
  • Chain lines or broken line – indicates change or interruptions due to accidents, a serious illness or external events like a natural calamity.
  • A circle in your life line you may have general good health that is broken by a significant injury or illness which causes hospitalization.
  • Weak or broken line – indicates poor physical health. There may be chronic illness or stress in your life.


If you desire a complete analysis of the lines on your palm and how they predict your possible future you can seek the services of a trusted and highly skilled Palmist or Chiromancer like Master Hanz Cua. Master Cua is an expert in Feng Shui, Palm Reading (Chiromancy), Tarot Card Reading, Space Clearing and Cleansing, Prosperity Ritual Rituals, Bazi or Chinese Astrology and Zi Wei Dou Shu (Emperor Purple Star Astrology).



For business and personal consultations you can contact Master Hanz at
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Or you can find him at Level 1 EDSA Shangri-La Plaza Mandaluyong City, Philippines